Hey there, fellow tinkerers, creators, and imaginative people…collaborate with us

Are you ready to take the helm of innovation and sail into the uncharted waters of creativity with us? We're on a quest to transform the mundane into the extraordinary, the ordinary into the extraordinary, and the every day into the "I can't believe we just made that"!

At Frederick Makerspace, we're not just about nuts, bolts, and gizmos (although, we have plenty of those). We're about turning dreams into reality, one wild idea at a time. But guess what? We need YOUR help to keep this fantastical voyage afloat!

Tell us, dear Makers, what tools of the trade do you crave? Are you yearning for a 3D printer to bring your digital designs into the physical realm? Perhaps a laser cutter to carve out intricate patterns in a flash of light? Or maybe it's a CNC router to sculpt your wildest creations from solid blocks of material?

But wait, there's more! Do you seek knowledge, guidance, and inspiration? We're all ears (and maybe a few antennas)! Whether it's workshops on electronics, coding, woodworking, or the ancient art of macramé, we're here to equip you with the skills and know-how to tackle any challenge.

So, fellow Makers, tell us your wishes, your dreams, and your deepest desires for your creative journey. We want your input and the voices of our community to be integrated into the future of The Frederick Makerspace.

Drop us a line, send a carrier pigeon, or just shout really loudly (we might hear you, who knows?). The adventure awaits, and it's calling your name!